The Adventures of Hurley and Ben

Status - The Adventures are BACK SOON!!! ! Webisode #12 "Time Will Tell", the season finale, will post tentatively on 06/14 at 9pm EST. Check out the Webisode Archive link to catch up from the beginning of the story!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Welcome To The New!

06/21/10 UPDATE! If you come by to check this out, please leave a comment to let me know what you think. If you don't feel like posting a comment, please select one of the Reaction Boxes. I am trying to get a feel for how many people like, or do not like, this concept. Thanks again for stopping by.

Original Post:

I look forward to this venture and hope you will all join me in taking our favorite show to a new level. This story will take its first leap a week after the Lost series box set is released, currently slated for 08/24/10. The box set will include a special 12-14 minute epilogue that will center around Hurley and Ben.

Since I have no idea what that story will be, and where it fits in the overall timeline, I may have to do a few quick edits before the premier of these adventures. A week should do it, so tentatively we are looking at around 08/31/10.

In the meantime, more posts will come in the form of teasers of the upcoming Adventures of Hurley and Ben.

I welcome your feedback so please feel free to comment. All will be read and appreciated.



  1. This could be interesting. Please do not do one of the best shows to ever be on television any injustice. I will certainly check this out and if it does in fact do the justice that the story deserves ... I will link your site everywhere I go. Good luck and no pressure!

  2. I wouldn't worry about edits too much. After all, this is ~your~ thoughts regarding the Hurley era!
    Good luck and I will be waiting patiently (or as patient as any Lost Junkie missing a fix can!)

  3. Thanks for stopping by!

    @Anon #1 - I do not plan on doing ANY injustice to the show. that is part of the reason I am waiting for the box set to come out. I want to keep as close as I can to the original story. Please feel free to link this little blog to anywhere you want.

    @Anon #2 - I agree that this is going to be my story, but I really do want to continue and honor what J.J, Damon, Carlton created. I am in the outline stages now of how I want the story to go, but when the epilogue comes out, I am prepared to make any edits needed to keep with story. Thanks for reading!

  4. Cool dude! I think I checked the bozes twice for good measure. I look forward to this. I can't wait to see where you take this!

  5. @Anon #3 - Thanks for the measure of goodness. I cannot wait to see where this is taken. I am both excited and curious. The ending has already been written, now onto writing the juicy details!

  6. I am patiently awaiting the blog version of Lost........I am expecting to be glued to my computer and totally "Lost" with each entry you make:)

  7. Thanks Anon! I am sure that you will like where it goes. There will be plenty of discussions taking place after each Webisode of this Epi-Blog (I hope).

  8. I am waiting for more lost ---give it to me!

  9. It's getting there. I am still creating some interesting stuff. I think you will all like (I hope) where my mind is going. I will be posting some snippets to tease you along. Thanks for coming by.
