The Adventures of Hurley and Ben

Status - The Adventures are BACK SOON!!! ! Webisode #12 "Time Will Tell", the season finale, will post tentatively on 06/14 at 9pm EST. Check out the Webisode Archive link to catch up from the beginning of the story!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The New Man In Charge *SPOILER ALERT*

Yes, we are going to discuss it, because it is a vital part of what is to come!

Almost 12 minutes of new LOST. It's better than nothing I suppose. Although cool, I was still expecting a little bit more than what we got. That's A-okay because it gives me a chance. Had it answered more, then this venture of mine could have met a quick end.

OK, time to breakdown and talk about "The New Man In Charge". If you haven't seen it yet, do not read further. You have been warned...

What did we learn (in no particular order):

This takes place present day, so approximately 3 years after the events that took place on the island in the series finale, which was some time in 2007. Hurley and Ben are tying up DHARMA Initiative loose ends. Food drops are automated. DHARMA has a LOT of food stockpiled, and is really terrible at employee communication. They also have a warehouse in Guam. Nobody has been "stationed" at the Lamppost Station in 20 some odd years. Orientation films are now on DVD. Polar Bears are also "special" to island properties. Polar Bears are NOT your friends. "Hurley" birds, or Hy-birds, were created by DHARMA. Pierre Chang had to change his name from each Orientation film to protect his identity. The Polar Bear leashes had a tracking device. Room 23 was designed specifically for "Hostiles" to erase memories of interrogation, which was used to find their origins and more about Jacob. Also, so that it seems the "truce" is not violated.

Los Angeles: Walt's alias is Keith Johnson, as his father Michael was Kevin Johnson and is residing at Santa Rosa Mental Institute where Hurley attended. Walt was playing the same Connect 4 game that Leonard was, when Hurley first heard the "numbers". There is a chalkboard next to where Ben sits down that shows a drawing of an island. Walt has no friends. He also remembers being kidnapped by Ben. Ben is genuinely sorry, and takes responsibility for those actions. Walt is needed by Ben and Hurley, and there is work to be done. Starting with helping Michael, although dead, who can still be helped. Walt is aware that Michael is dead. Granola bars play a big part and are absolutely necessary when negotiating. Hurley and Ben have a DHARMA van. Walt had always hoped that somebody would come back for him and thought he was crazy. Hurley told Walt he was never crazy and that he always belonged on the island. Hurley wanted to talk to Walt about a job.

Sounds and looks like a lot for 12 minutes! Now, there are some questions now opened up. How are the Orientation films on DVD? How did they get a DHARMA van to L.A.? What is the significance with DHARMA granola bars? How do they get to and from the island? How are they going to eat without more food drops?

All these questions, and more long standing ones, will be addressed in the up coming stories.

Stay tuned....



  1. I'm loving your review! You caught things I didn't so now I have to go back and watch it again. Can't wait for tomorrow night at 9!

  2. Thank you for reading. I think you may be the only one since I never get comments/feedback from anyone else ;-)

    25 hours left!!!

  3. Thanks, Sillynous. I thought the van was just nostalgia for one of Hurley's great shining moments on the island. And it occurred to me that the DVDs and granola bars are just modern touches from the new guys since all of the Dharma stuff had gotten so outdated after the project was abandoned.

  4. Thank you for that point of view Sandy, and thanks for reading. I am posing those as questions so that I can use them in the upcoming stories.
