The Adventures of Hurley and Ben

Status - The Adventures are BACK SOON!!! ! Webisode #12 "Time Will Tell", the season finale, will post tentatively on 06/14 at 9pm EST. Check out the Webisode Archive link to catch up from the beginning of the story!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

#07 "When It Rains, It Pours"

Hurley got out of bed as thunder crashed outside. The flashes of lightning lit up the room like a strobe light. The rain was loud as it hit the rooftops, drowning out any other noises except the thunder. He walked to Ben’s room and opened the door. The bed was unmade but Ben was not there. Hurley, very concerned, flicked on the light switch in the hallway, but the overhead light did not turn on. He headed into the living room guided only by the flashes of the lightning.

The living room was also empty. Hurley attempted to turn on another light for good measure but was unsuccessful, confirming the cabin’s power failure. The lightning flashed again and Hurley noticed a shadow on the wall. He turned to see Ben standing by the doorway, soaking wet.
“Hello Hugo”
Startled, Hurley jumped and shouted, “Dude!”
“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” Ben responded.
“Well, you did. What are you doing man?” Hurley asked anxiously.
“The storm knocked the power out. I went to check on the others.” Ben explained as water dripped down his face.

Hurley grabbed a blanket that had been thrown on the couch. He tossed it to the water logged Ben, “Here, dry yourself off,” and sat down on the couch, “How are the others?”
“Rose and Bernard are sleeping through it. Cindy is taking care of Emma and Zach. They’re a bit scared of the storm after what happened during the last major storm,” Ben advised as he dried his hair with the blanket, “I had to try and convince them the island won’t shake apart this time. Not to mention their concern for Walt, since he didn’t return. Now, if you don’t mind, I am going to change into dry clothes.”
“Yea, good call. They can all come over here if it’ll make ‘em feel safer,” Hurley explained with concern as Ben walked down the hall, “Actually that would be best. With the power out all over the community, the sonic fence is also without power.”
Ben stopped in his tracks, “Agreed. Sounds like we have a busy day ahead of us.” Visually disturbed, he continued to his room.

The flashes of lightning seemed to grow with intensity and the thunder crashed louder. Hurley grew anxious. An overwhelming feeling overtook him. He stood up from the couch and walked to the window to look outside. The clouds looked strange as the lightning flashed. The intensity of the light almost seemed unnatural.


The night sky seemed strange to Hurley as he looked out the window of Rose and Bernard’s tattered shack. This was the first night of the rest of his new life. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The scent of cooked fish filled the air.
“Are you gonna keep staring out the window, or are you gonna help me set the table?” Rose asked persuasively.
Hurley noticed Desmond and Ben were helping with the preparations of the fish. He turned to Rose somberly with what looked like all the energy he could muster. Rose could not help but give him a hug, which Hurley gladly accepted.
“It’s good to see you, Rose,” Hurley sighed, “It’s been a really long, bad day.”
“It sure has, just look at this place. It rained a lot today,” Rose insisted, releasing from the embrace.
Hurley looked around and realized the shack really was dilapidated. Pieces of the bamboo wall were broken and still wet from the storm. The only light was coming from the few candles spread about the room and a couple of lanterns. He walked to the table to assist Rose with the place settings. Rose looked up at him, and then looked outside to where the others were preparing the food. “I’m happy to see you Hurley, but you gotta leave after dinner. I don’t want John Locke to come looking for Desmond again.”
“Locke?” Hurley looked surprised, “He’s dead.”
Rose looked up at him in shock, “He was just here earlier and took Desmond with him”
“Yea that wasn’t really Locke…” Hurley stammered, “Um, long story short, the guy you saw that looked like Locke…he’s dead too.”
“When the island shook?” Rose asked unconvincingly.
“Yeah,” Hurley let out a sigh, “There’s kind of a lot of stuff you need to catch up on.”

Bernard, Desmond and Ben walked in holding large amounts of cooked fish. The five of them gathered around the rickety bamboo table and ate the feast from the sea. Vincent lay sleeping on the floor next to them. Hurley told the tale of the days passed. He explained the best he could of their fellow survivors that escaped the island as the Oceanic 6. How they returned, how Ben turned good, the passing of Jack, and the story of Jacob’s dynasty. Ben watched as everyone listened to how Hurley is now protector of the island and how evil was vanquished.

The food had all been eaten by the time Hurley finished speaking. Rose and Bernard sat speechless. There was a long pause where it seemed an hour passed within that moment. Rose finally broke the awkward silence as she stood up, “Well, it must be true ‘cause I don’t think anyone could’ve made that story up.” She started to clear the table, “You gentleman can sleep here tonight, but only for tonight.”
“Aye. I’ll best be on my way in the morning, Rose. You’ve been most kind, thank you,” Desmond responded as he nodded his head in agreement.
“What’s wrong, Rose?” Bernard asked as he helped clear the table.
“Nothing, I’m just tired and I want to go to bed,” Rose responded as she looked over at Hurley, “It’s been a really long, bad day.” She then dumped the dirty old plates into a large bucket of water on the floor.

The next morning Hurley awoke to Desmond standing over him. The morning sunlight gleamed around Desmond’s head as if he were an angel. Hurley cleared his eyes and sat up, “What are you doing Des?”
“I’m ready to go,” Desmond responded as he helped Hurley to his feet.
“Okay, okay. Where’s Ben?” Hurley asked, still a bit groggy.
“I don’t know brotha. He’s not here,” Desmond advised.
Hurley looked around the room looking for any hint that Ben slept there at all. The room was still a mess from quakes. There was no telling whether Ben had stayed.
“Where could he have gone?” Hurley asked.
“Look here, I don’t care one bit about that bug eyed bastard. He shot me and went after Pen and my son,” Desmond explained, “I’ve only been putting up with him because you made the mistake of making him your lackey.”
“Hey man, yeah, I’m not sure what that means,” Hurley retorted, “but Ben has changed a lot over the last--”
“I don’t want to hear about it, mate,” Desmond interjected and stepped closer to Hurley, “You said you’re the boss man? Well then, get me off this bloody island!”

Vincent sat by the cooking area outside and barked as Hurley and Desmond walked out of the shack. Everything was moist from the morning dew. They walked into the jungle in the direction of the old beach camp. The morning sun glistened through the treetops as they hiked.
“I’ve gotta ask man, how are you gonna do this by yourself?” Desmond asked.
“Do what?” Hurley responded.
“Protect an island you know nothing about?”
“That’s what Ben was supposed to be for,” Hurley replied as he cleared a branch from his path.
“I wouldn’t trust him. I’ve seen what this island can do. It would not be good if it were to fall into the wrong hands,” Desmond warned.

Hurley and Desmond walked through the brush and into the old camp. Hurley looked around, “Oh no! This isn’t right!” as he ran toward the shore.
“What?” Desmond confusedly asked as he trotted behind him.
“There was one of those row boat things here, I swear,” Hurley explained as he looked around.
“There!” Desmond yelled as he pointed out at the ocean, “Is that … my boat?”
Hurley looked up and they both saw the “Elizabeth I” heading toward the shore with Ben sailing her and waving back at them. They both stood there stunned for a moment.
“There’s your way home, Des,” Hurley observed.
“I don’t suppose I can talk you into coming with me,” Desmond said.
Hurley thought for a moment, “Nah,” He turned to Desmond and placed his hand on Desmond’s shoulder. He looked Desmond in the eyes and said, “The Island no longer needs you Desmond. You’ve done your part, now it’s my turn, dude.”
Desmond responded in awe, “One thing. Remember what I said, yeah? About him,” Desmond motioned to Ben, “You see to it that the bloody cork stays where it is. Evil doesn’t just die, ya know?”
“Oh, K.” Hurley acknowledged and gave a quick hug, “I guess I will see you in another life brother.”
“Aye. That, I know for a fact is true.” Desmond smiled, gave a wink, and ran into the water.

Present Day

“What’s going on?” Ben asked walking up to Hurley in a clean, striped, button down shirt.
“I dunno,” Hurley muttered, still looking out the window.
“Do you see anything?” inquired Ben as he rolled up his sleeves.
“Not sure,” Hurley mumbled
“Well you sure have all the answers big guy,” Ben scoffed.
“I can’t explain it okay?” Hurley snapped, still looking out the window, “I keep getting this feeling like the island is trying to tell me something.”
“And what would that be, Boss?” Ben asked skeptically.
"That’s what I’ve been telling you, I don’t know,” Hurley retorted.
“Well, what does it feel like, Hugo??”
Hurley turned away from the window and looked Ben straight in the eyes. As lightning flashed and thunder crashed, he said nervously, “Fear.”


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

#06 "The Second Thread"

The sun shined down through the treetops and gave a prism effect on the mist that was coming from the ocean nearby. Walt had been walking for a while now and looked exhausted. He stopped, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked around, and then kept walking. “Hurley?!” he cried out, “Hello?? Where are you?? Dad?!” There was no reply. Only jungle wildlife could be heard. The birds were particularly loud as though every bird on the island was surrounding him. Walt could smell the ocean was close and followed the scent as he walked. Although tired from his trek, he felt unusually calm. There was a strange familiarity about this.
Walt moved a tree branch out of the way to expose the beach where he first encountered the island. The wreckage of flight 815 was covered partially by the sand. There was not much left, only large pieces of the hull could be seen, as it laid on the shoreline being beaten by waves. Walt stood there staring, remembering the chaos of that day.
“Erosion,” Hurley said as he walked up from behind.
Walt turned looking confused, “Erosion?”
“Yeah. To put it simply, the island moves,” Hurley explained, “and that is only the beginning little dude.”
“Moves? To where?” Walt asked as he turned to look out at the horizon.
“That can only be answered in time” Hurley replied, “Like us, this island is also special. It’s like it draws other special people to it.”
“So, everyone on that plane was special?” Walt motioned to the wreckage.
“In their own way. Everyone is tied together … like a spider web. They all may not have been special like us, but we needed them to get where we are … and the island knew that.” Hurley put his arm around Walt, “Walk with me,” and started to walk toward the abandoned beach camp.

“The island knew? What do you mean?” Walt asked as he walked.
“I said it was special dude but I can’t really explain it in words. It’s more of a feeling I guess. You just know from things you see and experience,” Hurley responded as he released Walt from his grasp.
“Is that how you know about all of this?” Walt asked as he kicked the dirt while he walked.
“Exactly dude … my job is … well, I’m kinda the protector of the island, and everything on it,” Hurley enlightened.
Walt instantly stopped walking in shock, “And Ben??”
Hurley turned to Walt, “Let’s just say he’s more like an advisor. C’mon, keep walking. Is this looking familiar yet?”
Walt resumed walking, “It’s all like something out of a dream.”
“Like the one you had last night?” Hurley asked, “It seemed like a scary one, dude.”
“Yea I guess. I really don’t remember. It’s like you said … a feeling. I felt like I had to run.” Walt explained.
“Did you run?” Hurley asked with a confused look upon his face. He looked above the treetops and took a deep breath as Walt thought for a moment.
“I don’t remember. I know I wanted to. I guess I woke up before the end of the dream,” Walt answered, “What’s wrong?”
“Birds dude,” Hurley pointed ahead to the trees where the beach camp used to be. Many different kinds of birds were flying in circles, flocking together.
Walt had a fearful look on his face, “I don’t like birds, and they don’t like me for some reason.”
“Don’t worry man, the island will protect you … and so will I,” Hurley disclosed as he continued to walk.

Hurley and Walt arrived at the abandoned beach camp. The only resemblance to the survivors’ shelter was the bamboo sticks and plane parts that made the framework for their tents, which were badly weathered. The sounds of birds squawking and chirping came from the treetops as though they were fighting with each other. Walt looked around at the remains as he relived the past while also keeping an eye out for birds.

“So are you ever gonna tell me what this job is, and about my dad?” Walt asked in a frustrated tone.
“Easy dude, one step at a time. I don’t wanna dump a whole bunch of stuff on ya all at once,” Hurley explained, “I mean, you kinda freaked out when you saw your dad.”
“Hurley. I haven’t seen my dad in 6 years. Oh yeah, I almost forgot … he’s also dead!” Walt snapped.
“Whoa. There’s no need to be upset. I’m just letting you get adjusted. I know it’s a lot so I’m going at whatever pace you set.” Hurley defended, “Remember what I said about forgiveness when we arrived back here yesterday? It really is your dad, whether you accept that or not, man.”
“Sorry. I know. I’m not mad at you. It’s the damn birds. They are getting on my nerves.” Walt explained as he pointed to the treetops.

Instantly, the birds went eerily silent. Walt looked back over at Hurley in shock. Hurley chuckled, “I told you this island was special. You are about to see another reason why in a minute.”
“Walt?” Michael said as he appeared through the brush.
“Okay, so … it was less than a minute.” Hurley sighed.
“Hi Dad,” Walt said as he walked toward Michael.
“I’m going to give you guys some time alone,” Hurley interjected.
“No, don’t go. Don’t we have to help him?” Walt asked.
You are the one who has to help me, son,” Michael advised. Hurley stepped aside to give them space.

Michael smiled, “Sorry if I scared you earlier.”
Walt stood next to his father and for the first time could look into his eyes. At that point Walt knew with certainty that this was really his father, “No, you didn’t scare… Well, I guess I …”
“It’s okay son, give your old man a hug,” Michael said as he reached over to embrace him. Walt gave in and the both of them hugged. Michael let out an enormous sigh, “My boy!”

Hurley walked through the jungle heading back to the barracks. He walked past the pylons for the sonic security fence and hesitated for a moment as he glanced at the control box. Knowing Walt could possibly walk through here, he neglected to turn the power on and kept walking.

Hurley made his way to the barracks and noticed Emma sitting on the porch of her cabin with Vincent. “Hurley!” she yelled. Vincent barked and they both came running toward him. “Where is Walt?” Emma asked.
Hurley responded with a look of compassion and noticed Ben standing on the porch of their cabin, “He’s with his father and not coming back.”

Los Angeles

A black SUV sped by on a barren road leaving debris swirling behind. A few moments later, a police car followed, with its sirens wailing. The LED styled lights flashed in a steady blue, red, and white glow that lit up the darkened street. The SUV pulled to the side of the road, as did the California Highway Patrol car. The sirens stopped when the car came to a complete stop. The patrolman stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to the SUV. He glanced over the rear tailgate and noticed a bullet hole by the vehicles Cadillac emblem. The officer turned to walk around the driver’s side and placed his hand on the gun strapped to his side. ZAP! The officer gyrated and convulsed to the electrical discharge as he was being stunned. Once the electric pulse ceased, the officer fell to the ground and the SUV drove away.

The black SUV pulled up to the garage door of an abandoned warehouse. With a loud clank, the door opened and the SUV drove inside, then the door closed quickly behind. The driver's door opened and Chisisi, a tall man with dark hair dressed in a suit, stepped out while removing his cellular phone from the inside pocket. He pushed the screen on the phone as he walked towards a set of wooden stairs erected in the far corner. The rest of the warehouse appeared empty and dark. He put the phone to his ear while walking up the stairs, which creaked with every step.

“It’s me,” Chisisi said into the device, “We have a problem.” He opened and walked through the door located at the top step. Inside was an office that looked as though was recently used. There were maps all over the desk and the walls. “It’s not the right time Sir.”

Back on the island…

The storm came as if from nowhere. The rain sounded like a freight train as it ricocheted off the rooftops of the cabins. Lightning lit up the interior of the bedroom. Hurley sat straight up in bed, startled. Thunder rolled loudly over the sound of the rain. “Oh no, not again.”

To be continued...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

#05 "Hugo, Boss"


Hurley sat on a rock in the riverbed in awe after what had just happened. He looked over to the cave where the gleaming light had returned. The flowing water in the river was getting deeper. He looked at Ben, who was staring back at him as he awaited Hurley’s next move. The sounds of a man groaning came from behind and Hurley quickly turned to see Desmond’s body lying in the river.
“He’s waking up” Ben advised, as he stood up. Hurley stayed still and looked like a deer in headlights.
Ben walked over to Desmond and knelt next to him in the river. Desmond opened his eyes and saw Ben. Instantly, Desmond lashed out at him, “You!” he screamed as he grabbed Ben’s throat and started to choke him. Ben couldn’t call out, as it was difficult to even breathe with the grip around his windpipe. Suddenly, as quickly as it began, Desmond passed back out. Ben gasped for air as Desmond’s hold loosened.
“A little help?” Ben coughed, but Hurley was unfazed by Ben’s misfortune. He continued his near catatonic state, staring at the cave and biting his lower lip. “Hugo…” Ben started to get back up, “Hello?” He walked over to Hurley and stood in front of him, “Is anyone home?” Hurley looked away from him to avoid eye contact, still biting his bottom lip. “What’s the matter? Is something wrong, Hugo?”
“Is something wrong??” Hurley snapped and looked Ben dead in the eyes, “It’s all wrong, man! This wasn’t supposed to happen like this …”
“Yes, Hugo. Yes it was” Ben interrupted, “You are exactly what this island needs. Now, Desmond is waking up. He obviously needs to see you when he does.” Ben stood back up, “You are in control now.” Ben confirmed as he walked toward Desmond. Hurley looked shocked at those words. “You owned a box company, this should be easy for you, Hugo”
“There aren’t smoke monsters impersonating people, earthquakes, or magic lights at Box Squared,” Hurley advised, getting up to follow Ben. “You said earlier I could make my own rules. What does that even mean?” Hurley asked.
“I am quite curious about that myself actually,” Ben answered.
Hurley scoffed, “This is no joke, dude,” as he stood over Desmond.

Desmond started to wake up again, this time in a slow, groggy fashion. “What happened? My head … hurts.” Desmond tried to sit up.
“I wanted to ask you that, dude” Hurley replied as he helped him up.
”Jack … is he still down there?” Desmond asked looking at the cave.
“He, um, Jack, uh, didn’t make it.” Hurley stammered. Ben stood still watching the conversation.
“What about the others?” Desmond asked.
“Well we saw the plane fly overhead so … they at least got into the air. I am sure they are half way to Guam, I hope,” Hurley looked around and noticed the water bottle that held the drink that gave him his new fate, “Ben, grab that bottle and fill it with some water please.” Hurley led Desmond to a large rock and rested him against it, “Easy man. If I’m right, this water should help heal you.”
“Why do you say that, brotha?” Desmond asked.
“Well, this water was here at first, then when you went down the cave and did whatever, the island started shaking and the water disappeared. Then we all ran after Locke Smokenstein and Jack fought him, Kate shot him, then Jack pushed him off a cliff. But, he stabbed Jack in the pancreas or liver or something. Jack said it was fatal. Anyways, we came back here and the river was all dried up. Jack went down the cave and did something after he saved you that made the island stop shaking,” Ben walked back and handed the empty bottle to Hurley, “Long story short, dude, the light came back and the water started flowing again so, I think it’s special.” Hurley dipped the bottle into the water and handed it to Desmond.
“Well then, I guess I was out for a while, ya?” Desmond asked as he took a drink.
“About an hour … maybe,” Hurley answered.
“Who else stayed behind?” asked Desmond as he took another drink from the bottle.
“Just us three.” Hurley answered.
“That, I can say, is incorrect.”

A rustling came from within the jungle as something moved toward them. The three of them stood side by side as they watched to see what would appear.
“Here we go again,” Hurley exclaimed half expecting the worst. The brush by the riverbed moved aside as Vincent jumped through and ran up to them wagging his tail.
Hurley bent down to pet him and noticed something was not quite right. “There’s blood on him.”
“Is he wounded?” Desmond asked.
“No, it’s not his blood.” Hurley explained. Vincent barked and ran toward the jungle in the direction he had just come from. “Where you going Vincent?” He let out another bark and stopped wagging his tail.
“I think he wants us to follow him,” Ben advised. Vincent let out a confirming bark again and ran around in a circle.
“Alright dog dude,” Hurley said as he started to follow, “Let’s go.”

The three of them followed Vincent into the woods. Hurley tried to help Desmond along.
"I’m okay. I think I can make it on my own, brotha" Desmond directed. Vincent led them into to the bamboo forest and barked as he started to run. There was a trail of blood on the stalks of the bamboo. Desmond pointed to the right as he shouted, “Over there!”
Hurley and Ben followed his directions and noticed what he pointed to. “Oh no … Jack!” Hurley exclaimed.

The trio ran over to Jack’s body lying on the ground. They stood around him, looking in dread. Speechless. Vincent sat quietly next to the body, panting then letting out a quiet yelp as he lied down. The jungle was also quiet, as it seemed to be in remembrance.
“He looks at peace,” Ben stated, breaking the silence, “Is he smiling?”
“Don’t disrespect him, Ben” Hurley retorted as tears welled up in his eyes.
“He does,” Desmond replied, “He looks … content. How did he even get here?”
“I dunno … I thought he was still down in the cave. He didn’t come out by us,” Hurley clarified, and looked at Ben, “There must have been another way out on the other side?”
“Don’t look at me … the idea that there was even a cave is still news to me,” Ben responded.
“What now?” Desmond asked.
“We have to bury him, dude” Hurley answered, “We have to lay him to rest with the others.”
“I know the perfect place,” Ben advised.

Desmond and Hurley picked up Jack’s lifeless body as Ben led them toward the beach. It wasn’t long before they had reached the Flight 815 crash site. Pieces of the wreckage were still there. Ben walked past and to the right with Hurley and Desmond trailing behind, carrying Jack around their shoulders. Vincent kept pace beside them. They made their way to the cemetery where a hole was already dug.
“I dug this hole for myself.” Ben explained, “Ilana made me do it.”
Hurley and Desmond placed Jack’s corpse into the hole, then hovered over him.
“There’s only one shovel,” Ben advised.
“I’ll do it,” Hurley demanded, “It should be me anyways, dude, seeing as I am succeeding him as protector of this place.” Ben handed him the shovel.
Desmond stared down at Jack, “The last thing he said to me was ‘See you in another life brother’. I guess he was right,” he said solemnly as he picked up a handful of sand, “You died with distinction, Jack. Indeed. See you in another life, brotha.” Desmond tossed the sand onto Jack’s body.
Ben walked over and stood next to Hurley, who looked as if he was about to cry. “You were one of the good guys, Jack” Ben said, also grabbing a handful of sand, “I’m sorry for the grief I put you through. I hope you understand why it had to be that way. Like you, I swore to protect this place. Thank you for being the savior.” Ben tossed the sand into the hole and looked at Hurley, “You can do this, Hugo.”
Hurley stepped forward and stuck the shovel into the sand. “Thank you, Jack …” he paused, fighting back the tears that inevitably started to fall down his cheek, “Thank you for protecting us all these years…” he wept, “for making sure we didn’t die alone.” Hurley held the shovel full of sand up, “I’m gonna miss you, dude” and tossed the sand onto Jack. He quickly wiped the tears from his face. He continued to shovel as the sun started to set. Nobody spoke a word until he had filled the grave completely. “Goodbye Jack” Hurley concluded.


“Not to spoil the mood but, I need to go home. I miss my family.” Desmond started, “You’re the leader now, ya? How do you suppose I do that?”
Ben looked at Hurley, curious as to what the response might be. Vincent started barking and wagging his tail.
“Vincent!” a voice called out from the woods behind them.
“Over here!” Hurley yelled back. Vincent ran into the woods toward the voice.
“Hello?” The voice called back, “Hurley?”
“Yea! It’s … me!” Hurley responded looking confused. Desmond smiled at Hurley. Ben stood there unfazed as Bernard appeared to them.
“Dude!” Hurley yelled in delight as he dropped the shovel, chuckled, and walked over to Bernard to hug him, “I’m so glad to see you, man!”
“What happened?” Bernard asked.
Hurley explained, “That’s kind of a long story, dude. Where is Rose?”
“She is back at the house cleaning up and preparing for dinner. Now that the earthquakes have stopped shaking our shack apart, I came to check the traps for fish,” Bernard replied, “The quakes should have shook up the seabed. There should be enough for everyone. You’re more than welcome to join us. I know Rose could use the company,” he smiled, “I am sure she is tired of looking at this old face.”
The three of them grinned as food sounded like a great idea. Desmond and Ben looked at Hurley. The sun was sinking below the horizon.
“Des-man,” Hurley started, “I can get you off this island. For now, let’s eat and rest. It’s been a long day for all of us. Get a fresh start in the morning?”
“I agree. That is a good plan, Boss man,” Desmond replied.
“Ben?” Hurley asked.
“I go where you go, Hugo” Ben chuckled.
“What’s this ‘boss’ stuff?” Bernard asked as he started walking to the shoreline.
“Yea, I’m like, the protector of the island now…” Hurley explained as they followed him, “now that Jack died.”
“What? Jack? Wow!” Bernard exclaimed.

In the distance, unnoticed, someone was watching from within the brush as the four men collected fish from the traps Bernard had set in the water. Ben turned to look curiously in the direction of the unknown onlooker and smirked, then returned to collecting fish.

Next week, on LOST: The Adventures of Hurley and Ben…

The storm came as if from nowhere. The rain sounded like a freight train as it ricocheted off the rooftops of the cabins.

"You are the one who has to help me, son" Michael advised.

The black SUV pulled up to the garage door of an abandoned warehouse. With a loud clank, the door opened and the SUV drove inside, then the door closed quickly behind. The SUV driver's door opened and Chisisi stepped out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Time Slot

Due to circumstances beyond my control, the "air date" of the weekly webisodes has to be moved to 9pm EST on Wednesdays. I know, I know ... one more day of wait. This should work out for most of us as there is not much on TV in most places at that time. The real reason is because of how jam packed Monday and Tuesday usually are for me. Since this project has turned out to be a much larger animal than originally anticipated, and I am only one person, I need that extra day so that I may deliver a quality story to you. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this.

I am looking at it as I am moving into LOST's original time slot. :)

As always, please drop me a comment if you have any questions. I would be more than happy to talk to all of you. Thank you for your continued support.
