The Adventures of Hurley and Ben

Status - The Adventures are BACK SOON!!! ! Webisode #12 "Time Will Tell", the season finale, will post tentatively on 06/14 at 9pm EST. Check out the Webisode Archive link to catch up from the beginning of the story!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

#06 "The Second Thread"

The sun shined down through the treetops and gave a prism effect on the mist that was coming from the ocean nearby. Walt had been walking for a while now and looked exhausted. He stopped, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked around, and then kept walking. “Hurley?!” he cried out, “Hello?? Where are you?? Dad?!” There was no reply. Only jungle wildlife could be heard. The birds were particularly loud as though every bird on the island was surrounding him. Walt could smell the ocean was close and followed the scent as he walked. Although tired from his trek, he felt unusually calm. There was a strange familiarity about this.
Walt moved a tree branch out of the way to expose the beach where he first encountered the island. The wreckage of flight 815 was covered partially by the sand. There was not much left, only large pieces of the hull could be seen, as it laid on the shoreline being beaten by waves. Walt stood there staring, remembering the chaos of that day.
“Erosion,” Hurley said as he walked up from behind.
Walt turned looking confused, “Erosion?”
“Yeah. To put it simply, the island moves,” Hurley explained, “and that is only the beginning little dude.”
“Moves? To where?” Walt asked as he turned to look out at the horizon.
“That can only be answered in time” Hurley replied, “Like us, this island is also special. It’s like it draws other special people to it.”
“So, everyone on that plane was special?” Walt motioned to the wreckage.
“In their own way. Everyone is tied together … like a spider web. They all may not have been special like us, but we needed them to get where we are … and the island knew that.” Hurley put his arm around Walt, “Walk with me,” and started to walk toward the abandoned beach camp.

“The island knew? What do you mean?” Walt asked as he walked.
“I said it was special dude but I can’t really explain it in words. It’s more of a feeling I guess. You just know from things you see and experience,” Hurley responded as he released Walt from his grasp.
“Is that how you know about all of this?” Walt asked as he kicked the dirt while he walked.
“Exactly dude … my job is … well, I’m kinda the protector of the island, and everything on it,” Hurley enlightened.
Walt instantly stopped walking in shock, “And Ben??”
Hurley turned to Walt, “Let’s just say he’s more like an advisor. C’mon, keep walking. Is this looking familiar yet?”
Walt resumed walking, “It’s all like something out of a dream.”
“Like the one you had last night?” Hurley asked, “It seemed like a scary one, dude.”
“Yea I guess. I really don’t remember. It’s like you said … a feeling. I felt like I had to run.” Walt explained.
“Did you run?” Hurley asked with a confused look upon his face. He looked above the treetops and took a deep breath as Walt thought for a moment.
“I don’t remember. I know I wanted to. I guess I woke up before the end of the dream,” Walt answered, “What’s wrong?”
“Birds dude,” Hurley pointed ahead to the trees where the beach camp used to be. Many different kinds of birds were flying in circles, flocking together.
Walt had a fearful look on his face, “I don’t like birds, and they don’t like me for some reason.”
“Don’t worry man, the island will protect you … and so will I,” Hurley disclosed as he continued to walk.

Hurley and Walt arrived at the abandoned beach camp. The only resemblance to the survivors’ shelter was the bamboo sticks and plane parts that made the framework for their tents, which were badly weathered. The sounds of birds squawking and chirping came from the treetops as though they were fighting with each other. Walt looked around at the remains as he relived the past while also keeping an eye out for birds.

“So are you ever gonna tell me what this job is, and about my dad?” Walt asked in a frustrated tone.
“Easy dude, one step at a time. I don’t wanna dump a whole bunch of stuff on ya all at once,” Hurley explained, “I mean, you kinda freaked out when you saw your dad.”
“Hurley. I haven’t seen my dad in 6 years. Oh yeah, I almost forgot … he’s also dead!” Walt snapped.
“Whoa. There’s no need to be upset. I’m just letting you get adjusted. I know it’s a lot so I’m going at whatever pace you set.” Hurley defended, “Remember what I said about forgiveness when we arrived back here yesterday? It really is your dad, whether you accept that or not, man.”
“Sorry. I know. I’m not mad at you. It’s the damn birds. They are getting on my nerves.” Walt explained as he pointed to the treetops.

Instantly, the birds went eerily silent. Walt looked back over at Hurley in shock. Hurley chuckled, “I told you this island was special. You are about to see another reason why in a minute.”
“Walt?” Michael said as he appeared through the brush.
“Okay, so … it was less than a minute.” Hurley sighed.
“Hi Dad,” Walt said as he walked toward Michael.
“I’m going to give you guys some time alone,” Hurley interjected.
“No, don’t go. Don’t we have to help him?” Walt asked.
You are the one who has to help me, son,” Michael advised. Hurley stepped aside to give them space.

Michael smiled, “Sorry if I scared you earlier.”
Walt stood next to his father and for the first time could look into his eyes. At that point Walt knew with certainty that this was really his father, “No, you didn’t scare… Well, I guess I …”
“It’s okay son, give your old man a hug,” Michael said as he reached over to embrace him. Walt gave in and the both of them hugged. Michael let out an enormous sigh, “My boy!”

Hurley walked through the jungle heading back to the barracks. He walked past the pylons for the sonic security fence and hesitated for a moment as he glanced at the control box. Knowing Walt could possibly walk through here, he neglected to turn the power on and kept walking.

Hurley made his way to the barracks and noticed Emma sitting on the porch of her cabin with Vincent. “Hurley!” she yelled. Vincent barked and they both came running toward him. “Where is Walt?” Emma asked.
Hurley responded with a look of compassion and noticed Ben standing on the porch of their cabin, “He’s with his father and not coming back.”

Los Angeles

A black SUV sped by on a barren road leaving debris swirling behind. A few moments later, a police car followed, with its sirens wailing. The LED styled lights flashed in a steady blue, red, and white glow that lit up the darkened street. The SUV pulled to the side of the road, as did the California Highway Patrol car. The sirens stopped when the car came to a complete stop. The patrolman stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to the SUV. He glanced over the rear tailgate and noticed a bullet hole by the vehicles Cadillac emblem. The officer turned to walk around the driver’s side and placed his hand on the gun strapped to his side. ZAP! The officer gyrated and convulsed to the electrical discharge as he was being stunned. Once the electric pulse ceased, the officer fell to the ground and the SUV drove away.

The black SUV pulled up to the garage door of an abandoned warehouse. With a loud clank, the door opened and the SUV drove inside, then the door closed quickly behind. The driver's door opened and Chisisi, a tall man with dark hair dressed in a suit, stepped out while removing his cellular phone from the inside pocket. He pushed the screen on the phone as he walked towards a set of wooden stairs erected in the far corner. The rest of the warehouse appeared empty and dark. He put the phone to his ear while walking up the stairs, which creaked with every step.

“It’s me,” Chisisi said into the device, “We have a problem.” He opened and walked through the door located at the top step. Inside was an office that looked as though was recently used. There were maps all over the desk and the walls. “It’s not the right time Sir.”

Back on the island…

The storm came as if from nowhere. The rain sounded like a freight train as it ricocheted off the rooftops of the cabins. Lightning lit up the interior of the bedroom. Hurley sat straight up in bed, startled. Thunder rolled loudly over the sound of the rain. “Oh no, not again.”

To be continued...


  1. always leave us hanging and drooling for more. Can't wait for episode #7!!!

  2. Thanks Monica! This was definitely setting #07 up :)

  3. Darth, I'm WELL impressed!! Great job here. Do I have to wait a WHOLE WEEK for the next one?! Outrageous! ;o) You've certainly preserved the tone and style of the original series. I cried when they found Jack's body. Beautifully done. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I can't wait to see where you're going with all of this. Namaste brotha!

  4. Linda, thank you very much! Yes, a whole week. I am hoping that eventually my readers will start theorizing on what's going on. That's a goal of mine :-D

    One goal already reached which is creating some teary eyes.

    Good things to come that this webisode is setting up.

  5. Still hooked, dude. But I can wait a few days, just don't make it any longer. I'm pretty busy these days, but there's always time for B & H and maybe a bowl of jell-o. Raspberry :)
